Cummins National Emission Standard II engine is used, which has large output torque and low fuel consumption. It is reliable, energy-saving and environment-friendly;
Single-stage single-phase three element hydraulic torque converter is used. The vehicle does not have to be stopped shifting. The work efficiency is improved.
The Shanghai Photrol and air filter and prefilter device are used, which extend service life of engine and increase the maintenance interval.
Ejector of engine muffler is cancelled, which increases exhaust diameter, reduces exhaust pressure, and reduces the fuel consumption;
Hydraulic filter has alarm device, which timely reminds user of cleaning filter core or replacing the hydraulic oil;
Air conditioning cooler is under the engine hood. It can cool with cooling air of the engine and improve the cooling effect;
Oil, water and other daily maintenance points have humanized layout, which is convenient for inspection and maintenance;
The machine adopts advanced hydraulic drive and hydraulic control technology. It has advanced and reasonable structure, portable and flexible control, and reliable quality., is an innovative online business listing, selling, buying and marketing solution designed to help businesses grow their brand visibility and connect with potential customers.